John Levanen: Lens...
John Levanen: 'Hassy'
John Levanen: A Wollensak lens ...
John Levanen: Lens...
John Levanen: Old cameras, mikes, & stuff.
John Levanen: F4.5 anastigmat.
John Levanen: Contact prinnting frame.
John Levanen: ...backing up photo library...
John Levanen: ...burning disc...
John Levanen: Prints.
John Levanen: SX-70.
John Levanen: Old German camera from Dresden.
John Levanen: Exposed.
John Levanen: ...out with the old...
John Levanen: with the new...
John Levanen: "What they see ... they GET".
John Levanen: Old ad.
John Levanen: Stereo - opticon images.
John Levanen: Ensign .
John Levanen: Kinamo movie camera.(Circa 1925.)
John Levanen: Old Kodak safelight.
John Levanen: Regal Reflex.
John Levanen: No. 2A folding camera.
John Levanen: Camera phone.
John Levanen: Polaroid Land camera.
John Levanen: Brownie reflex.
John Levanen: Kewpie box camera No. 3A.
John Levanen: Astropic camera.
John Levanen: Miniature Speed Graphic.
John Levanen: Filmo.