giorgiomariocesare: North Bank Lighthouse .
giorgiomariocesare: North Bull Lighthouse.
giorgiomariocesare: North Bull Lighthouse.
giorgiomariocesare: The Daily Lighthouse.
giorgiomariocesare: South Stack Lighthouse.
giorgiomariocesare: Eastgate Street.
giorgiomariocesare: Foregate Street.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral made with Lego.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral made with Lego.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cathedral.
giorgiomariocesare: Cathedral Church of Christ & the Blessed Virgin Mary.
giorgiomariocesare: St. Verbuch Street.
giorgiomariocesare: Chester Cross.
giorgiomariocesare: Eastgate Street.
giorgiomariocesare: Eastgate Clock.
giorgiomariocesare: St. Nicolas Church.
giorgiomariocesare: St. Nicolas Church.
giorgiomariocesare: Church Street.
giorgiomariocesare: St. Mary's Church.
giorgiomariocesare: Warwick Castle.