yookyland: pastel
angie.d.d.: Pretty Paper Napkins
Cartale: Hello Kitty keyring
dorotheazinsser: Pastel, HLCoF
Ginger☮︎Snap: Button Fun
giancarlo_darrigo: "Objects in Pastel Colours"
Dotsy McCurly: Bunny’s Octopus toy
linda.addis: Pastels
ingrid eulenfan: Ufonauten
Lara *: *Looking Close... on Friday- Objects in Pastel colours
Sarasota Abstracts: Pastel Sweatshirt
Körnchen59: Looking Close... on Friday: Objects in Pastel colours
Marina Is: Abanicos en Colores Pastel"
Bernadette Francoeur: _DSC1815 - Pastel
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Just a little …
Harald Steeg: Artificial flower
Elyane11: La douceur Pastel
suzanne~: Pastel wrapping paper
Doklas M Boyke: Objects in Pastel Colours
roelivtil: Pastel in parelmoer
Josef17: Objects in Pastel colors
yksweji: Pastel Bluetooth.......
nagyistvan888: Pastel Colours
clarkcg photography: Bee Tea With Honey
Karon Elliott Edleson: Blankie - my granddaughter's favorite!
Globalista1: Pastel colors #LcoF
ladybugdiscovery: Positive Onion
Crisumpierrez: Kisses in the wind...
Arkle1: Pastel-coloured buttons