netmouse: too few chimneys
netmouse: right construction style, wrong window arrangement
netmouse: typical construction style in Dashwood
netmouse: distance view of prospective corner
netmouse: House dad thought might be it
netmouse: sunset-y beach
netmouse: waves
netmouse: Brian smiling
netmouse: well?
netmouse: Someone made this sculpture with deadwood...
netmouse: Full sculpture
netmouse: photographer with hood
netmouse: Man viewing sculpture
netmouse: Man with sculpture
netmouse: shiny beach
netmouse: straight out into the sunset
netmouse: My feet
netmouse: Brian - sleepy? no, blinking
netmouse: Brian at rest
netmouse: turning north
netmouse: beach sunset
netmouse: S edge of beach
netmouse: someone else's sculpture
netmouse: experimenting with angle
netmouse: more sky
netmouse: making adjustments midstride
netmouse: good to go
netmouse: fishing for kisses
netmouse: top of trail in oak savanah
netmouse: The hiker