chrisowenrichards: 212/210 West Kirkwood Ave Bloomington, Indiana 47404
chrisowenrichards: Men and carrots
chrisowenrichards: Exit, on a blue note
chrisowenrichards: 'Buildings are like humans and have their own character.'
chrisowenrichards: "Things are what they seem to be, or maybe something else."
chrisowenrichards: mirror writing
chrisowenrichards: pathos, irony and humour
chrisowenrichards: create your own plot
chrisowenrichards: "Be joyful! Dance in the street."
chrisowenrichards: something from nothing
chrisowenrichards: the light is always different
chrisowenrichards: Money doesn't talk -
chrisowenrichards: Three looks and a mobile phone
chrisowenrichards: Mystery and melancholy of the swing
chrisowenrichards: arm's length
chrisowenrichards: Dreaming
chrisowenrichards: Picnic's over
chrisowenrichards: Pregnant woman with kite
chrisowenrichards: Out on the Paseo de Marti
chrisowenrichards: Street Photography Now
chrisowenrichards: "If you're not sure it's a picture, shoot it anyway"
chrisowenrichards: "People cross the road when they see my dog..."
chrisowenrichards: Quiet and close
chrisowenrichards: Street-Light and Lone Dancer at Dusk
chrisowenrichards: Prepositions