t55z: sign for the Siesta Motel - Havre, MT
t55z: Havre, MT BNSF rail yard
t55z: downtown Havre, MT
t55z: Havre Beneath the Streets - skylight above a general store
t55z: Havre Beneath the Streets - brothel
t55z: Ice Cream Parlor - Havre, MT
t55z: old sign for H Bar C Ranch Wear - Havre MT
t55z: commercial block, downtown Havre MT
t55z: Helmbrecht Photo Studio - Havre MT
t55z: general store - Havre Beneath the Streets
t55z: saloon - Havre Beneath the Streets
t55z: telephone switchboard - Havre Beneath the Streets
t55z: 1920s (?) menu - Havre Beneath the Streets
t55z: soda fountain - Havre Beneath the Streets
t55z: have a seat
t55z: tractor on the street
t55z: abandoned building - Havre, MT
t55z: white wall
t55z: apartments - Havre, MT
t55z: BNSF - Havre, MT
t55z: abandoned duplex
t55z: unknown building - Havre MT
t55z: Rails Inn
t55z: Hi-Line Motel
t55z: technological hub