t55z: around the curve
t55z: Mattapan Trolley at dawn
t55z: Mattapan Trolley on the Ashmont loop
t55z: PCC streetcar on cobblestones
t55z: boarding the Girard Ave trolley (Philadelphia)
t55z: SEPTA PCC car at Girard & 63rd
t55z: trolley underpass
t55z: two trolleys
t55z: Ashmont to Cedar Grove
t55z: rain on the Mattapan Line
t55z: the Mattapan Trolley is now boarding
t55z: trolley carhouse on the South Station model train layout
t55z: Mattapan Trolley approaching Ashmont Station
t55z: Mattapan Trolley in Milton - 2
t55z: Mattapan Trolley in Milton - 1
t55z: Mattapan Trolley rear light
t55z: Mattapan Trolley at Ashmont Station
t55z: sunburst on the Mattapan High-Speed Line
t55z: Mattapan Trolley interior
t55z: sunny afternoon at Mattapan Station
t55z: trolley at Valley Rd. Station
t55z: rounding the curve
t55z: at Mattapan Station
t55z: MBTA subway map on the Mattapan Trolley
t55z: Mattapan Trolley waiting for passengers
t55z: inside the trolley at Mattapan Station
t55z: Mattapan Trolley from the back
t55z: Mattapan Trolley
t55z: Mattapan Trolley (with driver!)
t55z: P1000226