t55z: 1957 scene
t55z: B&M 77
t55z: GP9 engines in heritage paint
t55z: Pan Am Railways office car train
t55z: Pan Am office car train
t55z: Pan Am rail yard - Portland ME
t55z: Pan Am/Guilford/MEC 319
t55z: diesel smoke in Lawrence
t55z: two trains
t55z: Guilford Rail Systems boxcar
t55z: load limit
t55z: Boston & Maine heritage locomotive, starting up
t55z: 77 head-on
t55z: in the yard
t55z: Boston & Maine RR heritage locomotive (GP9)
t55z: nighttime Pan Am
t55z: there goes the big G
t55z: The rain in Ayer falls mainly on the train.
t55z: 3 Pan Am locomotives in Lowell
t55z: around the curve
t55z: blue locomotive crosses the street
t55z: Boston & Maine (Pan Am) GP9 around dawn
t55z: Guilford/Pan Am locomotive pre-dawn
t55z: Pan Am variety
t55z: Boston & Maine RR GP9
t55z: Guilford/Pan Am train in Ayer (2)
t55z: Guilford/Pan Am train in Ayer (1)
t55z: Pan Am/MEC train in Ayer (2)
t55z: Pan Am/MEC train in Ayer
t55z: way down on the siding