t55z: the Downeaster on the Cochecho River
t55z: Downeaster at a grade crossing
t55z: Downeaster in Portland
t55z: two Downeaster trains
t55z: Downeaster & Pan Am
t55z: Downeaster on the Merrimack River
t55z: Downeaster crosses the street - 2
t55z: Downeaster crosses the street - 1
t55z: hidden Downeaster crossing the Mystic River
t55z: just a boring Amtrak locomotive
t55z: the Downeaster in Brunswick, ME
t55z: Downeaster
t55z: Downeaster equipment move
t55z: a slightly different view of the Downeaster at Bradford Depot
t55z: Downeaster at Bradford Depot (Haverhill, MA)
t55z: happy new year (all aboard!)
t55z: train ride
t55z: here comes the Downeaster
t55z: Downeaster in Exeter, NH
t55z: Downeaster at a grade crossing
t55z: Amtrak engine 2 on the Downeaster
t55z: Downeaster crossing the Merrimack River
t55z: Downeaster in Wilmington, MA
t55z: the Downeaster's new cabbage car 90224
t55z: Downeaster approaching
t55z: Amtrak Downeaster in Durham, NH
t55z: Amtrak Downeaster at the Durham, NH station
t55z: Amtrak Downeaster in Durham, NH - 2
t55z: Downeaster meets the commuter rail
t55z: heritage Downeaster arrives at Haverhill station