heypyro: Finished!
heypyro: complete!
heypyro: the final span!
heypyro: The framing is done!
heypyro: squared in framing
heypyro: main frames in
heypyro: side of frame up
heypyro: view from side frame
heypyro: progress!
heypyro: its a square!
heypyro: standing on the deck
heypyro: view from the joist
heypyro: putting in main support
heypyro: Jeff working
heypyro: first joist in
heypyro: first signs of framing
heypyro: seeing the layout
heypyro: bob takes down gutter
heypyro: taking down gutter
heypyro: laying the sides out
heypyro: brackets in
heypyro: posts in holes
heypyro: posts in
heypyro: stairs gone!
heypyro: last shot of stairs
heypyro: posts in
heypyro: getting ready
heypyro: poles in holes
heypyro: poling place
heypyro: dug up yard