sewingkay: 2508
sewingkay: Line Drawing
sewingkay: Muslin front
sewingkay: Muslin side
sewingkay: Muslin back
sewingkay: Lining fabric - poly crepe
sewingkay: Windproof interlining in the back
sewingkay: IMG_4789
sewingkay: Pocket flap buttonholes - done
sewingkay: Cuff buttonholes - done
sewingkay: Collar - with organza windows and edges pressed
sewingkay: Inside collar - buttonholes complete
sewingkay: Markings done
sewingkay: Basting marks the placement for the organza windows
sewingkay: Sewing the organza facing windows
sewingkay: Organza facing windows - clipped
sewingkay: Organza facing windows - flipped and pressed open
sewingkay: Right collar and facing - windows completed
sewingkay: Each facing opening is sewn to the buttonholes by hand
sewingkay: Buttonhold facing - not yet pressed
sewingkay: Front
sewingkay: Collar detail
sewingkay: IMG_4879
sewingkay: IMG_4881
sewingkay: Outside in -10C with a wind chill - toasty
sewingkay: IMG_4890
sewingkay: This collar really keeps out the cold wind
sewingkay: Happy to be done!
sewingkay: The lining
sewingkay: Another collar shot