Collins93: HCR15906-Edit
WinRuWorld: Syrphid slumber
DeeDee Gollwitzer: Osprey Flying with Nesting Material
Kim Meisinger1: Banded Mongoose
SKeysImages: BTNW2409aCS
Dennis Westover: Serval - Masai Mara, Kenya, Africa
AMelck: DSC_0009 Hello I must be going
gsegelken: Zebra "Horseplay" @ Tarangire National Park, Tanzania-5774
Cheryl Dunlop Molin: mating thread-waisted wasps
Cheryl Dunlop Molin: the innocent face
stoupaduck: Seychelles Bulbul (endemic)
Bonnie Ott: Wasp Attack
Gérard Cachon: On the surface 2
Gérard Cachon: 4 ducklings
WinRuWorld: Summer shower Gazania
KHR Images: Sparrowhawk
tanman2: Little Blue Heron Chick
ken.helal: I’m Gonna Perch Till I Can’t Perch No More
tanman2: A downy in his tri-plex
Jerry_a: Red Foxes, the Family Photo
tanman2: red-shouldered Hawk
MyKeyC: 3 Point Landing
tanman2: Marsh Wren
Khurram Khan...: Inquisitive by Nature
Zanshin Art: I found the Polyphemus on the cement floor outside my front door the other day. I gently lifted it to this white cloth to photograph it, then released it into a shaded planter.