MothInBoots: The Ross Ice Barrier (Shelf). Antarctica. Janauary, 1936
MothInBoots: This appears to be Young Island of the Balleny Group - early 1936
MothInBoots: This appears to be Borradaile Island in the Balleny Group, Antarctica
MothInBoots: Antarctic land - this could be Ross Island - early 1936
MothInBoots: Antarctic land - this photo was taken from the Discovery II. Possibly Franklin Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica.
MothInBoots: An Antarctic Island in the Ross Sea or part of the Balleny Group
MothInBoots: Mystery Antarctic island in the Ross Sea vicinity
MothInBoots: Ellsworth Relief Expedition 1935/36
MothInBoots: The Track of the Discovery II in January, 1936
MothInBoots: Motor Boat party from the RRS Discovery II