MothInBoots: Skiing at Mt Donna Buang in 1933
MothInBoots: Cliff Douglas at Mt Donna Buang about 1933
MothInBoots: Mt Stirling, Victoria
MothInBoots: 'Looking towards Mt Buller' from Mt Buffalo - about 1935
MothInBoots: Mt Buffalo Plateau, view from the Horn c1935
MothInBoots: Lake Catani - Mt Buffalo - c1935
MothInBoots: Playground at Mt Buffalo, Victoria - c1935
MothInBoots: Razorback - Mt Hotham to Mt Feathertop and return
MothInBoots: The Razorback - Mt Hotham to Mt Feathertop and return
MothInBoots: The Hut at Feathertop - 1929
MothInBoots: Ski Hut Mt Feathertop in the Victorian Alps - 1929
MothInBoots: Loch Ridge, vicinity of Mt Loch - possibly in early August, 1929
MothInBoots: Mt St Bernard to Mt Hotham, Victorian Alps in early August, 1929.
MothInBoots: Victoria Alps - likely late 1920's or 1930's
MothInBoots: Mt Feathertop - Victoria
MothInBoots: Mt Kosciuscko main ridge, September 1969
MothInBoots: Enjoying Mt Hotham in 1984
MothInBoots: Victorian - High Country - about 1936/1938
MothInBoots: ‘Looking East from Mt Buller’.
MothInBoots: A view from Mt Buller - June 1935
MothInBoots: A view from Mt Buller - identified from the print
MothInBoots: The Chalet at Mt Buller in about 1935
MothInBoots: Skiers in the Victorian Alps. About mid 1930's
MothInBoots: Snow Country in the Victorian Alps. Around mid 1930's
MothInBoots: Victorian Alps - about mid 1930's
MothInBoots: Eric Douglas in the High Country - about 1936/1938
MothInBoots: Skiers in the vicinity of Mount Hotham - about 1936-1938
MothInBoots: Skiing in the vicinity of Mt Hotham - 1936/1938
MothInBoots: Eric Douglas in the Victorian Alps
MothInBoots: Mt Hotham in 1984