Pat 2jp: Satellite to be identified...FengYun 1-2 T?
Pat 2jp: ISS Traveling NE into Earth's Shadow
Pat 2jp: 16/365 Phobos Grunt Dec 18 0631:36 Overhead
Pat 2jp: 14/365 Phobos Grunt capture fail - Sunrise WIN!
Pat 2jp: ISS 111215 1856 EST orbiting up into Earth's shadow
Pat 2jp: Searching for Lovejoy
Pat 2jp: Hanging out in the Dismal Swamp on the night of the 25th JUST IN CASE there was an undetected followup burp from Sol three days ago...
Pat 2jp: Titan 4B R/B and H-2A R/B
Pat 2jp: 24/365 Orion from Sandbridge
Pat 2jp: Lacrosse 5, Mars, COSMO-SKYMED 1 on 111230 0531
Pat 2jp: The Sun through Welding Glass
Pat 2jp: FOV from Which the Last Phobos Grunt Pass was Cropped
Pat 2jp: 44/365
Pat 2jp: Venus Reflected
Pat 2jp: Although faint, at least five Quadrantid meteors are in this one 20 second exposure.
Pat 2jp: 33/365 Quadrantid Meteor
Pat 2jp: The complete field of view uncropped for this ...
Pat 2jp: ISS 120102 Going into Shadow in NE
Pat 2jp: ISS 120102 rising from NW
Pat 2jp: 109/365 ISS Rises from Southwest 120410...
Pat 2jp: 104/365 The Sun Through welding Glass
Pat 2jp: A closer crop for Twitter....perhaps, better.
Pat 2jp: DSC_0020-2
Pat 2jp: 103/365 13March12 Jupiter and Venus
Pat 2jp: Venus and Jupiter from Siesta Beach 12MAR09
Pat 2jp: 95/365 97% Illuminated, 230562 miles away, and like us, waiting for the arrival of the X5 CME.
Pat 2jp: Beautiful, Bright, Long ISS Pass Tonight