Turtlerangler: Heliothelopsis unicoloralis (kind of Crambid Moth)
Turtlerangler: Heliothelopsis unicoloralis (kind of Crambid moth)
Turtlerangler: Hellinsia balanotes (kind of Plume Moth)
Turtlerangler: Hemeroplanis rectalis (kind of Owlet Moth)
Turtlerangler: Hemileuca juno (Juno Buck Moth)
Turtlerangler: Hemileuca juno (Larva - Juno Buck Moth)
Turtlerangler: Heteranassa mima
Turtlerangler: Heteranassa mima
Turtlerangler: Hexorthodes accurata
Turtlerangler: Holochroa dissociarius (kind of Geometrid)
Turtlerangler: Hyalophora columbia gloveri (Glover's Silkmoth)
Turtlerangler: Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx larva)
Turtlerangler: Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx Moth)
Turtlerangler: Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx)
Turtlerangler: Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx)
Turtlerangler: Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx) 1 more below
Turtlerangler: Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth)
Turtlerangler: Hypotrix lunata (Kind of Owlet Moth)
Turtlerangler: Hypotrix lunata (Kind of Owlet Moth)
Turtlerangler: Idaea basinta (Red & White Wave)
Turtlerangler: Jativa castanealis (kind of Crambid Snout Moth)
Turtlerangler: Lineostriastiria hachita (kind of Owlet Moth)
Turtlerangler: Litocala sexsignata (kind of Erebid moth)
Turtlerangler: Litoprosopus coachella (Palm Flower Moth)
Turtlerangler: Lobocleta perabalta
Turtlerangler: Lobocleta peralbata (Kind of geometrid moth)
Turtlerangler: Lophocampa argentata (Silver-spotted Tiger Moth)
Turtlerangler: Loxostege albiceralis
Turtlerangler: Loxostege albiceralis (kind of Crambid Snout Moth)
Turtlerangler: Lycomorpha fulgens (kind of Lichen Moth)