Turtlerangler: (Trogus pennator) Kind of Ichneumon Wasp
Turtlerangler: Acromyrmex versicolor (kind of Leaf-cutting Ant)
Turtlerangler: Acromyrmex versicolor (kind of Leaf-cutting Ant)
Turtlerangler: Acromyrmex versicolor (kind of Leaf-cutting Ant)
Turtlerangler: Acromyrmex versicolor (kind of Leaf-cutting Ant) more below
Turtlerangler: Agepostemon texanus or angelicus (kind of Sweat Bee)
Turtlerangler: Ammophila sp (kind of Thread-waisted wasp)
Turtlerangler: Ammophila wasp & caterpillar
Turtlerangler: Anthidiellum ehrhorni (kind of resin bee) another image below
Turtlerangler: Aphaenogaster albisetosa (kind of Spine-waisted Ant)
Turtlerangler: Aphaenogaster albisetosa (kind of Spine-waisted Ant) 1 more below
Turtlerangler: Astata sp (possibly A. bicolor)
Turtlerangler: Astata sp (possibly A. bicolor) 1 more below
Turtlerangler: Bembicini (kind of Sand Wasp)
Turtlerangler: Bembicini (kind of Sand Wasp)
Turtlerangler: Bembicini (kind of Sand Wasp) more below
Turtlerangler: Bombus centralis (Great Basin Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus centralis (Great Basin Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus centralis (Great Basin Bumblebee) more below
Turtlerangler: Bombus fraternus (Southern Plains Bumblebee) + Asclepias longifolia
Turtlerangler: Bombus huntii (kind of Bumble Bee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus huntii (kind of Bumble Bee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus impatiens (Common Eastern Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus impatiens (Common Eastern Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus lucorum (White-tailed Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus lucorum (White-tailed Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus pascorum (Brown-banded Carder Bee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus sonorus (Sonoran Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus sonorus (Sonoran Bumblebee)
Turtlerangler: Bombus sonorus (Sonoran Bumblebee)