sjwhidden: hi fall. we can be pals.
sjwhidden: 1) B E L T 2) and just like that i only want to dress like a westmount lady of leisure johnny depp from benny and joon and diane keaton from annie hall.
sjwhidden: i want to dress like your mother
sjwhidden: trying to distinguish the line between stylish and dressing to young/milf-y
sjwhidden: this is what a satisfied thrift lady looks like
sjwhidden: scheme-alatin'
sjwhidden: first hottie mchothot of a day.
sjwhidden: i drank all the throwing wine
sjwhidden: so cranky today. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? HUH? WHAT???
sjwhidden: people are magic
sjwhidden: the look of love
sjwhidden: ex-haust-a-ma-lat-ed
sjwhidden: can't seem to stop eating fleur de sel chocolate. save me from myself already.
sjwhidden: can't seem to stop eating fleur de sel chocolate. save me from myself already.
sjwhidden: like, DUH
sjwhidden: blahblahblahBLAHblahblah
sjwhidden: shirt of pubes
sjwhidden: my fingers are all blistered from hand cutting tags. nothing makes me happier than self inflicted flesh wounds produced by doing what i love.
sjwhidden: the folk off
sjwhidden: urs has just been introduced to avatar which means we watch it 13 or 14 times a day. and i cry every single time.
sjwhidden: little sad today. general all-round sadness. probably hormonal. nothing to get too dramatic about. a comfy blanket of sad to curl up in on long evenings
sjwhidden: look how happy yana+pin pals make me! CRAZY HAPPY
sjwhidden: pin pals + supayana vintage ysl
sjwhidden: i love how i look like a giant in my apartment
sjwhidden: you know dudes, i am not thrilled by this getting colder and darker stuff. NOT THRILLED.
sjwhidden: i wish i had extra eyes so i could look at my necklace and boots simultaniously
sjwhidden: rockin it. HAHAHAHAHAHA
sjwhidden: slight of skin
sjwhidden: time to start figuring out what to be for halloween..
sjwhidden: worrying is just wishing for things you don't want