skyrivermichele: Color me with money.
skyrivermichele: Blue moon out my window...
skyrivermichele: One week of V's is not enough.
skyrivermichele: Green with envy.
skyrivermichele: Pop, pop, pop.
skyrivermichele: Rock-star.
skyrivermichele: Dear Lord, please make my human stop this shameful madness. Thanks, from your best dog ever Luna.
skyrivermichele: From one lens to another.
skyrivermichele: My go-go juice...
skyrivermichele: Time for a new adventure...
skyrivermichele: Pickle-kitty
skyrivermichele: Totally Spaced lame screenshot.
skyrivermichele: Prepared and ready.
skyrivermichele: Lovers tree
skyrivermichele: Dusk berries.
skyrivermichele: Having a sick day & cuddling up with my Pickle-kitty.
skyrivermichele: Costco run.
skyrivermichele: Pedi me pretty.
skyrivermichele: Much needed glass of wine at the end of the day.
skyrivermichele: Running on sidewalk ice.
skyrivermichele: The one among the many.
skyrivermichele: Daily necessity.
skyrivermichele: Leggo my eggo!
skyrivermichele: Plant life.
skyrivermichele: Stitching together time.
skyrivermichele: Peaceful Warrior.
skyrivermichele: Shadow chaser.
skyrivermichele: Ribbons, sequins, and feathers. What more could a girl want, well besides glitter.