TheRosyMole: 43049 @ Kirkstall, Leeds 28/5/2022
TheRosyMole: Slow HST 28/5/2022
TheRosyMole: Blue/green HST
TheRosyMole: Smokey HST
TheRosyMole: HST @ Kirkstall Forge.
TheRosyMole: Church Fenton Pullman 4/12/2021.
TheRosyMole: 43257 - Earfit Lane crossing, Copmanthorpe
TheRosyMole: High speed testing, Kirkstall Forge 10/4/2023.
TheRosyMole: 43468/43480/37403 'Isle of Mull' @ Killingbeck, Leeds 26/6/2023
TheRosyMole: 37403 'Isle of Mull'/43480/43468 @ Killingbeck, Leeds 26/6/2023
TheRosyMole: 43047/43055 Kirkstall Forge 23/10/2024