TC Events: Arena view
TC Events: Big screen and scoreboard monitors
TC Events: Arena
TC Events: Workstation
TC Events: Desks
TC Events: Arena
TC Events: Kiosk and Facebook booth
TC Events: Chatting at the Yandex booth
TC Events: NSA booth
TC Events: Facebook booth
TC Events: Members of the Facebook team
TC Events: Facebook pins
TC Events: PaypalX booth
TC Events: Our TCO10 MC - mmartoccia
TC Events: Welcome to TCO10
TC Events: Listening
TC Events: adroc talks about the Studio track
TC Events: AdamSelene discusses Mod Dash
TC Events: lbackstrom and crowd
TC Events: Time for food
TC Events: Studio finalists, admin and judges group together
TC Events: Comparing notes in the TCO10 program
TC Events: Rustyoldman telling tales
TC Events: Food
TC Events: Sporting old TopCoder event shirts
TC Events: Margarita and abkqz
TC Events: Visiting in the TopCoder lounge
TC Events: Looking happy after a long trip
TC Events: Ready to compete
TC Events: Chatting in front of the PaypalX booth