Carol's Cam:
Liz Steel Lesson 1e Comparison of pencil+shading -water soluble graphite 2B And Pen/One color - Lamy Safari , med nib and watercolor mix lemon yellow and Windsor yellow (W/N)
Carol's Cam:
Foundations Lesson 1 -exploring materials and kits
Carol's Cam:
Foundations Lesson 2E Two tries at blind contour drawing on the right And point to point contour drawing on the left
Carol's Cam:
I realize the lesson was about drawing, but I couldn't resist adding color later on!
Carol's Cam:
Abstract shape exercise -foundations 3C Final product got very muddy but I shall await the watercolor classes -shapes -the whole point -were best in number 2 and I loved doing the shadow rehearsal first -very instructive!
Carol's Cam:
Yo boy.....really challenging -might need more work on the previous lesson!! Foundations -4c "seeing through volumes"
Carol's Cam:
Better,mbut still tough....
Carol's Cam:
volume practice
Carol's Cam:
Foundations -lesson 5Measured set upPencil partial foundation, using measurement with the pencil next layer drawn completely with ink final layer adding watercolor This was by far my more comfortable zone!
Carol's Cam:
Liz Steel Foindations Lesson 5Measured set up;top is paint first, micron pen added afterBottom in ink pen alone
Carol's Cam:
lesson 5 Foundations Liz Steel
Carol's Cam:
lesson 7-C Draw something seasonal
Carol's Cam:
SKN Buildings_Lesson1C_ManleyChurch
Carol's Cam:
SKN Buildings_Lesson1_Abstracting shapes
Carol's Cam:
SKN Buildings_lesson1_negative space
Carol's Cam:
Skin buildings lesson 1 I found it very challenging to go straight to pen, and should do more volume practice first. So once I saw how "wonky" it was, I decided to use it to look at shading. I used only some sepia colored ink.
Carol's Cam:
skn buildings, lesson 1F -outdoor exercise - churches