karendumais2010: Deep in Thought!!
karendumais2010: Uncooperative Subject!!
karendumais2010: One Exam to Go.....
karendumais2010: Not Impressed!
karendumais2010: Corran House
karendumais2010: Corran House
karendumais2010: Moreland Place, Owen Sound
karendumais2010: Pillar Estate Wines
karendumais2010: Downtown Niagara on the Lake
karendumais2010: At Moreland Place
karendumais2010: "Peek a Boo"
karendumais2010: Building at Fort George, NOTL
karendumais2010: Tools of the Trade
karendumais2010: IMGP7099
karendumais2010: IMGP7100
karendumais2010: Corn Elevetors
karendumais2010: Truck leaving the Elevators
karendumais2010: View from the Scale House
karendumais2010: Bins of Beans!
karendumais2010: Load of Corn on the Scale
karendumais2010: Bean Bins and Silos
karendumais2010: Coming up to the Scale House