VCLS: Grandma and grandchild
VCLS: Portrait
VCLS: A time to reflect.
VCLS: The river, the trees and the mountains - O rio, as árvores e as montanhas
VCLS: Contraste - Contrast
VCLS: 10:30 a.m.
VCLS: Mosteiro - Monastery
VCLS: Biking
VCLS: No traffic ... Sem Trânsito...
VCLS: Lembranças do passado - Memories of the past
VCLS: Out to the sea
VCLS: Girl on bicycle in black and white
VCLS: Life on wheels - XL
VCLS: Life on wheels - 2on bike
VCLS: Girls on Vespa 5
VCLS: 2on Vespa
VCLS: girls on vespa 4
VCLS: girls on vespa 3
VCLS: Girls on vespa 2
VCLS: Girls on Vespa
VCLS: Memories - Lembranças
VCLS: Watch the sky! - Observe o céu!
VCLS: Riding in style - Passeando com estilo