dogtooth77: Coreopsis tinctoria
dogtooth77: Wolf Spider
dogtooth77: Epigaea repens
dogtooth77: Chicken of the Wood II
dogtooth77: Chicken of the Woods
dogtooth77: Puffball fungi
dogtooth77: Phallus hadriani
dogtooth77: Polystichum moss
dogtooth77: Mid Atlantic Forest
dogtooth77: Utricularia gibba
dogtooth77: Scirpus cyperinus
dogtooth77: Sea of Panicum virgatum
dogtooth77: Liquidambar styraciflua
dogtooth77: Patuxent River, MD
dogtooth77: Cornus florida fall color
dogtooth77: Nuphar advena
dogtooth77: Nuphar advena II
dogtooth77: Fagus grandifolia leaves
dogtooth77: Wetlands in Patuxent NWR
dogtooth77: Utricularia gibba
dogtooth77: Trichostemma dichotomum detail
dogtooth77: Tradescantia sp.
dogtooth77: Cash Lake Patuxent Wildlife Refuge, MD