saulesmeit: Lani contemplating being two years old
saulesmeit: Gorgeous 2 year old Lani
saulesmeit: "Hewwo! Fanks for coming to visit me!"
saulesmeit: Lani = perfect blend of Lun and Yang!
saulesmeit: Still the sweetest girl!
saulesmeit: Sweepy panna girl angel
saulesmeit: Lani sure has Mama Lun's fluffy cheeks!
saulesmeit: Ray of Sun on Lani's face
saulesmeit: Guess who!??
saulesmeit: "Attention for an update!"
saulesmeit: "Are you talkin' about me??"
saulesmeit: "I'm a big thithter now!"
saulesmeit: "Have a gweat China twip, Aunties Th-tacy, Patti, Wee, Catbewwy, Angewa, Mawy, KK..did I fowget anybody?"
saulesmeit: "Gee, I wondew what kind of pwessies I'm gonna get...?"
saulesmeit: Bright eyed, bushy tailed and fluffy cheeked!
saulesmeit: Pwincess sweeping in the Sun!
saulesmeit: "Wanna nibbwe of my boo?"
saulesmeit: Happy Bearfday, Unkie Simon!
saulesmeit: P9050178
saulesmeit: "Happy Bearfday, Jen!"
saulesmeit: "Happy Bearfday, Patti!"
saulesmeit: "It's vewy impowtant to have a good bweakfast!"
saulesmeit: "Wewcome back, Auntie Phyw!"