saulesmeit: Hi dewe, PU Aunties and Uncles!
saulesmeit: Tai gets a birfday tweat - honey on ball & crate
saulesmeit: Peek a Boo, I see PU! :-)
saulesmeit: Tai's Favorite ball had honey on it!
saulesmeit: Ow maybe I can hide undew it?
saulesmeit: I wondew if I can stiw cwimb into dis poow?
saulesmeit: Fanks fow spending my biwfday wit me!
saulesmeit: Oh, Hewwo PU aunties & uncles!
saulesmeit: Mei enjoys evening snack with PU in the Panda House
saulesmeit: Hmmmmm, what should I do today?
saulesmeit: Wow! Dere's a wot of hoomans hewe to visit me!
saulesmeit: I know dewe's tweats somewhewe in dis hay!
saulesmeit: The birthday boy: Super Panna!
saulesmeit: Tai posing for PU aunties & uncles
saulesmeit: What a bootifuw biwfday I've had!
saulesmeit: Honey! Yummy an' sticky!
saulesmeit: Mama Mei on the Prowl
saulesmeit: On the grate feetsies alert! 2
saulesmeit: On the grate feetsies alert! 1
saulesmeit: Big Daddy Tian in his colorful grotto
saulesmeit: Bwenda gave Tai a tweat before releasing him in his yard
saulesmeit: Tai heading to see PU aunties & uncs at the window
saulesmeit: I fink I got somfin caught in my froat
saulesmeit: Tai - 1, baby pool - 0
saulesmeit: honey covered Jolly Ball 3
saulesmeit: honey covered Jolly Ball 2
saulesmeit: honey covered Jolly Ball 1
saulesmeit: honey for the birthday boy
saulesmeit: sticky crate = sticky paw