sheltonjcksn: Oslo - tiger
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - street 02
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - street 01
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - relfection in a window 05
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - relfection in a window 04
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - relfection in a window 03
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - relfection in a window 02
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - inside the City Hall
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - Edward Munch's room in the City Hall
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - City Hall - paintings on the walls 02
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - City Hall - paintings on the walls 01
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - motherhood
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - relfection in a window 01
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - interview camera
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - relfection in a window 06
sheltonjcksn: Oslo - underground
sheltonjcksn: Oslo 01