Patrick Dirlam Photography: Anthopleura xanthogrammica [Giant Green Anemone]
Patrick Dirlam Photography: White-spotted Sea Goddess [ Doriopsilla albopunctata]
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Patiria miniata [Bat Star]
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Hopkin’s Rose Nudibranch [Hopkinsia rosacea] with White-spotted Sea Goddess [ Doriopsilla albopunctata]
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Striped Shore crab
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Shell Beach Anemones
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Anemone at Shell Beach tidepool
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Patrick the Starfish
Patrick Dirlam Photography: California Two-spot Octopus making a run for it
Patrick Dirlam Photography: California Two-spot Octopus
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Mountain of Muscles
Patrick Dirlam Photography: California Sea Hare
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Flower of the sea
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Sea grass waterfall
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Another view of California Sea Hare
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Anthopleura sola [Sunburst Anemone]_Jul172018_0435