Patrick Dirlam Photography: Red-tailed Hawk in morning sun
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Loggerhead Shrike
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Western Meadowlark at Carrizo Plain
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Horned Lark at Carrizo Plain
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Red-tailed Hawk at Carrizo Plain
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Carrizo Plain pano
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Carrizo silhouette
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Perfect Tidy Tip
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Dew drop Tidy Tips
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Western Meadowlark looking for a mate
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Here's lookin' at you!
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Temblor range - Carrizo Plain
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Western Meadolark with golden backdrop
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Southern End of Carrizo Plain
Patrick Dirlam Photography: The road to Heaven
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Wildflower picnic -Explore
Patrick Dirlam Photography: A Walk into Paradise
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Gateway to Heaven
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Carrizo Plain Caliente range from Cottonwood road
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Carrizo Plain Milky Way
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Temblor range March 2019
Patrick Dirlam Photography: A beacon in the dark!