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Rome and Paris December 2009 by Jon in OP
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Jon in OP
When in Rome #2
Jon in OP
Weird Italian puppets
Jon in OP
Vatican window
Jon in OP
Vatican Hallway
Jon in OP
Swiss Guard
Jon in OP
St. Peter's Dome
Jon in OP
Trevi fountain
Jon in OP
St. Peter's Dome 2
Jon in OP
Jon in OP
Jon in OP
St. Peter's on Christmas Eve
Jon in OP
Red car blue car
Jon in OP
Lucky Christ Child figurine at Sta Maria della Concezzione
Jon in OP
Solo 2 minuti - Rome Subway
Jon in OP
Notre Dame old look
Jon in OP
Louvre Saturated
Jon in OP
Postcard #4 - La Tour Eiffel
Jon in OP
Jon in OP
Galleries Lafayette, store in Paris
Jon in OP
Been there awhile
Jon in OP
Jon in OP
Central detail on map of Liguria, Vatican
Jon in OP
Gang at Fountain of the Four Rivers, Piazza Navonna
Jon in OP
4 or 500 year old Pope - Innocent the ?
Jon in OP
They kept the lions down here in the Coloseum
Jon in OP
Roman forum with Coloseum and moon in background
Jon in OP
Really tired ladies at Paris airport
Jon in OP
Venus edited
Jon in OP
Foro Romano
Jon in OP
The gang in front of the Hard Rock, Paris
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