hansntareen: Puff ball
hansntareen: Flowers in a pot
hansntareen: Purple flower
hansntareen: Crocosmia, coppertips
hansntareen: Purple/pink flower
hansntareen: Pink, peach and red flowers
hansntareen: Northern Catalpa tree
hansntareen: Dahlia
hansntareen: Flower: magenta and yellow
hansntareen: Round leaves
hansntareen: Green and Violet
hansntareen: Blossom
hansntareen: Crimson Cloud Hawthorn post abscission.
hansntareen: Blossoms
hansntareen: Flower
hansntareen: Three azalea plants: red white & pink
hansntareen: Spring has sprung
hansntareen: Winter flowers
hansntareen: Multicolor ornamental plant
hansntareen: 085... various plants lanterns
hansntareen: I think it’s raining
hansntareen: Sun and two sunflowers
hansntareen: Sunflower
hansntareen: Aussie Salute in a Circle
hansntareen: Green cherries
hansntareen: Ready to open redbuds
hansntareen: B&W cherry blossoms
hansntareen: Crocus 2021
hansntareen: Flower