hansntareen: Colorful dinghies
hansntareen: Snow Damaged Grocery Cart
hansntareen: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly....winter remnants
hansntareen: Waterfall ...winter works magic
hansntareen: Waiting for the thaw
hansntareen: Trolley Tracks @ Coolidge Corner
hansntareen: Crosswalk at Beacon & Webster ...Town doesn't want to shovel this area. It's been 10 days...
hansntareen: Ski tracks on the frozen Charles River
hansntareen: Mountain range and shadow
hansntareen: Fozen Dinghies
hansntareen: Cambridge viewed from Boston
hansntareen: Growth on the Building
hansntareen: Find the one goose standing
hansntareen: There are trolley rail tracks under the snow
hansntareen: CAT and Snow Mountain
hansntareen: Snow Mountain Feb 20, 2015
hansntareen: Icicle window dressing
hansntareen: Back Bay Icicles
hansntareen: Commonwealth Ave. Back Bay
hansntareen: B&W Construction on Mass Ave.
hansntareen: Building 10 Dome and Killian Court
hansntareen: Image 2-19-15 Mass Ave Construction
hansntareen: snow wall
hansntareen: Snow on the portable covering
hansntareen: Snow accumulation
hansntareen: Portable cover
hansntareen: Rail Bridge
hansntareen: Don't cross the street here.
hansntareen: Vacant Building equates no shoveling