hansntareen: Victorian House Details
hansntareen: Walking on the boardwalk
hansntareen: House on Cape Cod Beach.
hansntareen: Cape Cod Beach
hansntareen: pedestrians
hansntareen: Long Boardwalk
hansntareen: That way to the ocean
hansntareen: Need a boardwalk to cross the marsh
hansntareen: Marsh water
hansntareen: Nobska Lighthouse
hansntareen: Woods Hole Aquarium Pier
hansntareen: Chatham Bay Inn
hansntareen: Gingerbread House and child
hansntareen: Sled with Gingerbread House
hansntareen: Chatham Fishing Boat
hansntareen: Low Tide at Chatham
hansntareen: Green fishing boat
hansntareen: Bird house
hansntareen: section of Chatham Harbor
hansntareen: Coast line at Chatham
hansntareen: Chatham Lighthouse and Coast Guard with sun dog
hansntareen: Historical Marker ... Pleasant Bay
hansntareen: Cape Cod House on Pleasant Bay
hansntareen: Small Island in Pleasant Bay
hansntareen: Island on Pleasant Bay
hansntareen: Towing in Provincetown...
hansntareen: Fishing Net
hansntareen: Slightly used snow shovel...
hansntareen: Long Point Lighthouse
hansntareen: Swimming Ducks