Me now0: European hornet ( Vespa crabro ) Стършел close to its hole. DSC_1188
Me now0: Burdock Лепка DSCN7773_A3
Me now0: Bee in my balcony garden Tagetes DSCN0307
Me now0: I suspect this is not a bee, but hoverfly DSCN0641
Me now0: Bumblebee guest (Bombus)Земна Пчела DSC_1188
Me now0: DSC_1652
Me now0: Wasp eating Melon DSC_1395
Me now0: DSC_0225
Me now0: bee in yellow pollen DSC_1049
Me now0: bumblebee ( Bombus ) земна пчела DSC_0369
Me now0: Help me with the name of that wasp , please! DSC_0600
Me now0: huge female giant Ichneumonidae parasitic wasp ( Megarhyssa vagatoria ) DSC_0537
Me now0: European hornet eating smaller insect ( Vespa crabro ) Стършел DSC_0530
Me now0: European hornet ( Vespa crabro ) Стършел DSC_0612
Me now0: Wasp eating meat of slug DSC_0295
Me now0: Polygonatum multiflorum Solomon's seal Многоцветна момкова сълза _DSC0788
Me now0: _DSC0015__all insects eat aphid, including that fly
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Me now0: female Pimpla instigator _DSC0345
Me now0: female Pimpla instigator _DSC0350
Me now0: Carpenter bee ( Xylocopa violacea ) Пчела дърводелец DSCN2049 landed on( Onopordum acanthium ) Scotch thistle
Me now0: _DSC0684 punching the foundation fo the blossom to drinki from there
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Me now0: _DSC0263 WASP
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Me now0: Green eye bee & Tagetes DSC_1226