Me now0: Wasp spider ( Argiope bruennichi ) Тигров паяк -отровен! Poisonous! DSC_0332
Me now0: Araniella Spider, female, keeping her eggs at the same leaf every day DSC_0057
Me now0: DSC_0823
Me now0: RSCN2778
Me now0: Spider eating live fly DSC_0910
Me now0: Garden spider( Araneus diadematus) Паяк кръстоносец DSC_0531
Me now0: Spider. Please help me with exact name DSC_0257
Me now0: Nursery web spider over Dandelion Паяк върху глухарче ( Pisaura mirabilis ) DSCN0647
Me now0: Synema globosum Small spider DSC_0265
Me now0: Ghost Spider ( Anyphaena species ) DSC_0152
Me now0: Synema globosum - small black spider DSC_0787
Me now0: Synema globosum small spider малък паяк DSC_0055
Me now0: spider _DSC0193
Me now0: Spider Паяк _DSC0507
Me now0: spider hunting ant _DSC0515
Me now0: very small spider паяк _DSC0771
Me now0: паяк spider _DSC0766
Me now0: Spider Паяк _DSC0717
Me now0: Spiders паяци _DSC0930
Me now0: _DSC0997
Me now0: small spider _DSC0990
Me now0: small spider _DSC0982
Me now0: _DSC0044
Me now0: small spider _DSC0018
Me now0: _DSC0012
Me now0: _DSC0977
Me now0: _DSC0998
Me now0: Black Hairstreak Satyrium pruni _DSC0115
Me now0: _DSC0383
Me now0: _DSC0376___lol I thought it is a big ant, but it is spider