Me now0: Wasp spider ( Argiope bruennichi ) Тигров паяк -отровен! Poisonous! DSC_0332
Me now0: Small Pincertail dragonfly, Male Golden-ringed Dragonfly, Cordulegaster boltonii, Gomphidae - (Onychogomphus forcipatus) yellow-black dragonfly with green eyes baking on the sun DSC_0422
Me now0: Araniella Spider, female, keeping her eggs at the same leaf every day DSC_0057
Me now0: Female Damselfly eating DSC_0110
Me now0: male butterfly-Old World swallowtail-(Papilio machaon) feeding on cut Thistle=(Onopordum acanthium); Мъжка пеперуда Голям полумесец пие нектар от отрязан Магарешки бодил DSC_0036
Me now0: ( Issoria lathonia ) DSC_1090 UNEDITED
Me now0: ( Aeshna cyanea, male ) Manua Focus-AF divert focus to nearby background DSC_1285
Me now0: Male Aeshna affinis -Southern Migrant Hawker -Blue dragonfly landed on reed DSC_1125
Me now0: Hairy Shieldbug(Dolycoris baccarum) The bug is something like Red stinkbug, вонещица; the plant is Apiaceae (parsely family) ягодова дървеница DSC_1666
Me now0: The Gatekeeper ( Pyronia tithonus ) DSC_1297
Me now0: Ruddy Darter-Male-( Sympetrum sanguineum ) Red Dragonfly closeup DSC_1043
Me now0: DSC_0240 NO EDIT 1 of 2000 exposure time, ISO 250 sample on July full sun, Nikon D5300
Me now0: Southern Migrant Hawker-Male(Aeshna affinis) DSC_1639
Me now0: Wasp eating Melon DSC_1395
Me now0: Graphosoma lineatum Striped Shieldbug DSC_0608
Me now0: Marmalade hover-fly (Episyrphus balteatus) DSC_0496
Me now0: Common Black Ground Beetle, Pterostichus melanarius DSC_0431
Me now0: DSC_1652
Me now0: Speckled bush-cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima) Щурец DSC_0156
Me now0: Tiger Butterfly( Papilio glaucus ) Iphiclides podalirius Scarce swallowtail Лястовичеопашата тигрова пеперуда DSC_0906
Me now0: Scorpion Fly(Panorpa communis)- Anubis alike head fly DSC_0549
Me now0: Beautiful Demoiselle ♂ (Calopteryx virgo) | Blauflügel-Prachtlibelle Ebony Jewelwing (Black-winged Damselfly) ♂ (Calopteryx maculata) | (USA) Western Demoiselle ♂ (Calopteryx xanthostoma) | Südwestliche Prachtlibelle DSC_0589
Me now0: Ebony Jewelwing (Black-winged Damselfly ) ♀ ( Calopteryx maculata ) DSC_0073
Me now0: Bumblebee guest (Bombus)Земна Пчела DSC_1188
Me now0: Small Dragonfly waiting the wind to ends DSC_0886
Me now0: Four-spotted chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) Кафяво живениче Dragonfly just after out of pupa DSC_1059
Me now0: DSC_0823
Me now0: Hummingbird moth ( Macroglossum stellatarum ) гълъбова опашка -a non-landing butterfly with Stealth bomber shape DSCN0580
Me now0: cricket or other sound making unusual flying insect DSCN0529
Me now0: Hoverfly DSCN0414