Me now0: Stucky plant in the South Park Sofia Bulgaria. Burdock Лепка в Южния Парк София България
Me now0: Burdock Лепка DSCN7773_A3
Me now0: DSCN7957
Me now0: Sedum - vine on the stones, Erma River Gorge. Thank God, that picture became successful from the first time, because I had once chance, and people constantly telling me fast, fast!
Me now0: Sunlit robin and fading violets Червеношийка в морава от диви теменужки
Me now0: Bluebell (Scilla bifolia) in Lulin Mountain. Див Зюмбюл в Люлин Планина
Me now0: Erythronium dens-canis. Dog's tooth Кучешки зъб -wild flower in Liulin Mountain near Sofia, Bulgaria. Full of it at that time of the year. Пълно е с това диво цвете в Люлин планина до Горна Баня, София. По това време на годината!
Me now0: миризлива горска теменуга ( Viola odorata ) wood violet
Me now0: Apple Blossom разцъфнало ябълково дърво
Me now0: Полски хвощ-(Equisetum arvense) DSCN8070
Me now0: Carpenter bee ( Xylocopa violacea ) Пчела дърводелец DSCN2049 landed on( Onopordum acanthium ) Scotch thistle
Me now0: миризлива горска теменуга ( Viola odorata ) wood violet
Me now0: Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus Bulbosus) Пълзящо лютиче DSC_0533
Me now0: DSC_0975
Me now0: Marmalade hover-fly (Episyrphus balteatus) DSC_0496
Me now0: Bird's foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) Обикновен звездан DSC_0822
Me now0: Cichorium Intybus & wild flowers, диви цветя, синя жлъчка(синчец), Цикория DSC_0005
Me now0: False Dandelion( Hypochaeris radicata ) Дългоцветен хипохерис -Small wild flower in park DSC_0979
Me now0: Solanum dulcamara (Solanaceae) Червено кучешко грозде Very small wild flower in shadow and swampy places DSC_0061
Me now0: Common toadflax ( Linaria vulgaris )- Кученца ( Обикновена луличка ) DSC_0378
Me now0: Bird's foot trefoil ( Lotus corniculatus ) Обикновен звездан DSC_0295
Me now0: Purple clover Лилава детелина DSC_0365
Me now0: Stinkbug and a bee, plant is Burdock DSC_0088
Me now0: Erythronium dens-canis. Dog's tooth Кучешки зъб ( самодивско цвете )-wild flower in Liulin Mountain near Sofia, Bulgaria. Full of it at that time of the year. Пълно е с това диво цвете в Люлин планина до Горна Баня, София. По това време на годината! DSCN
Me now0: Кукуряк DSCN6738
Me now0: миризлива горска теменуга ( Viola odorata ) wood violet DSC_0993
Me now0: Великденче Speedwell, Persian Speedwell, Birdseye Speedwell, Veronica persica DSC_0732
Me now0: миризлива горска теменуга ( Viola odorata ) wood violet DSC_0937
Me now0: DSCN0071__ selected 1 of 4 Stellaria graminea -very tiny white flower Тревна звездица
Me now0: Lamiaceae flowers (the mint or deadnettle family). The flowers typically have petals fused into an upper lip and a lower lip (Labiatae) DSC_0913