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Burdock Лепка DSCN7773_A3
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Golden Dragonfly South /Yuzhen/ Park Sofia Bulgaria Europe MOTION
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Gaillardia DSCN4809
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Near the river- green female Damselfly. Крайречно зелено водно конче.DSCN6034
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clouded yellow butterfly ( Colias croceus ) жълтушка пеперуда landed on clover детелина DSCN8905
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Common blue (Male) ( Polyommatus icarus ) Икарова синевка(Мъжка)
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Blue Dragonfly landed on reed in South Park Sofia Bulgaria Europe. Синьо Водно Конче, кацнало върху тръстика в Южния Парк София България Европа
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Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens, Weidebeekjuffer) Blue-green male Damselfly. Live near river. Change color depends on light. Semi-transparent wings "Calopteryx Vierge male"
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Common blue (Male) ( Polyommatus icarus ) Икарова синевка(Мъжка)
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Blue Dragonfly landed on stick. Синьо водно конче, кацнало на пръчка.
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female Damselfly near river. "Calopteryx Vierge male" Водно конче-речно.
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Near the river- green female Damselfly (Calopteryx splendens, Weidebeekjuffer) Крайречно зелено водно конче. "Calopteryx Vierge female"DSCN3911_A2
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Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens, Weidebeekjuffer) Blue-green male Damselflies. Live near river. Change color depends on light. Semi-transparent wingsMating River Damselflies. Водни кочета, речни, чифтосващи се
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"Calopteryx Vierge female" River female Damselfly DSCN7157
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Daffodils Нарцис DSCN7860
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Comet Darner - Golden Dragonfly South park Sofia Bulgaria Europe DSCN0614
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Thin Dragonfly DSCN0884
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Golden dragonfly DSCN1524 Camera"Nikon Coolpix L330" "snow" mode
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caterpillar on moss in a tree in South Park DSCN2001
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Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosma nymphula) DSCN2088
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Lady-bird Red Калинка червена DSCN2832
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Ruddy Darter-Male-(Sympetrum sanguineum)Red Comet Darner landed on my hand! In the park, on the lake, over my hand! Yes, captured with 1 hand :D ! DSCN9981
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Ruddy Darter-female-(Sympetrum sanguineum)Landed Dragonfly very close to me DSCN0475
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Hoverfly (Volucella inanis) Сирфидна муха DSCN0446