Me now0: Marbled White butterfly Шахматна пеперуда Melanargia galathea DSCN1789
Me now0: clouded yellow butterfly ( Colias croceus ) жълтушка пеперуда landed on clover детелина DSCN8905
Me now0: Common blue (Male) ( Polyommatus icarus ) Икарова синевка(Мъжка)
Me now0: Common blue (Male) ( Polyommatus icarus ) Икарова синевка(Мъжка)
Me now0: Common blue (Male) ( Polyommatus icarus ) Икарова синевка(Мъжка)
Me now0: Daffodils Нарцис DSCN7860
Me now0: The Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) over Tagetes DSCN1603
Me now0: butterfly - Small tortoiseshell-Vanessa urticae (Aglais urticae) Копривна пеперуда DSCN0585
Me now0: Hummingbird moth ( Macroglossum stellatarum ) гълъбова опашка -a non-landing butterfly with Stealth bomber shape DSCN0580
Me now0: Hummingbird moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) гълъбова опашка Non-landing butterfly DSC_0883
Me now0: The Gatekeeper ( Pyronia tithonus ) DSC_1297
Me now0: ( Issoria lathonia ) DSC_1090 UNEDITED
Me now0: male butterfly-Old World swallowtail-(Papilio machaon) feeding on cut Thistle=(Onopordum acanthium); Мъжка пеперуда Голям полумесец пие нектар от отрязан Магарешки бодил DSC_0036
Me now0: Tiger Butterfly( Papilio glaucus ) Iphiclides podalirius Scarce swallowtail Лястовичеопашата тигрова пеперуда DSC_0906
Me now0: Painted Lady Vanessa cardui Nymphalidae Дяволска пеперуда DSC_0285
Me now0: Mint moth butterfly ( Pyrausta aurata )DSC_0837
Me now0: Painted Lady butterfly ( Vanessa cardui Nymphalidae ) Дяволска пеперуда DSC_0336
Me now0: Tiger Butterfly( Papilio glaucus ) Iphiclides podalirius Scarce swallowtail Лястовичеопашата тигрова пеперуда DSC_0784
Me now0: butterfly Orange Tip - Anthocharis cardamines Кардаминова пеперуда DSC_0028
Me now0: Common Glider butterfly ( Neptis sappho ) Зеброва пеперуда DSC_0966
Me now0: butterfly - Small tortoiseshell- Vanessa urticae (Aglais urticae) Копривна пеперуда DSC_0292
Me now0: DSC_0180 You may zoom!
Me now0: painted lady , Vanessa cardui , Дяволска пеперуда DSC_0171
Me now0: Genus Heliothis Нощна пеперуда DSC_0469
Me now0: DSC_0079 butterfly "clouded yellow" over purple Clover "Colias croceus" "пеперуда жълтушка" върху лилава Детелина
Me now0: small copper butterfly ( Lycaena phlaeas ) DSC_0434
Me now0: ( Leptotes pirithous ) Lang's short-tailed blue, common zebra blue BUTTERFLY DSC_0272
Me now0: Red admiral butterfly ( vanessa atalanta ) Адмирал on dandelion /върху жълтурче DSC_0495
Me now0: Dun Skipper ( Euphyes vestris ) metacomet Night butterfly over Tagetes DSC_0598
Me now0: Please help me identify this DSC_0303