Me now0: DSCN8460
Me now0: Golden Dragonfly South /Yuzhen/ Park Sofia Bulgaria Europe MOTION
Me now0: DSCN0102
Me now0: Southern Migrant Hawker-Male(Aeshna affinis) Comet Darner Dragonfly in fly
Me now0: Blue Dragonfly landed on reed in South Park Sofia Bulgaria Europe. Синьо Водно Конче, кацнало върху тръстика в Южния Парк София България Европа
Me now0: Blue Dragonfly landed on stick. Синьо водно конче, кацнало на пръчка.
Me now0: Comet Darner - Golden Dragonfly South park Sofia Bulgaria Europe DSCN0614
Me now0: Thin Dragonfly DSCN0884
Me now0: Golden dragonfly DSCN1524 Camera"Nikon Coolpix L330" "snow" mode
Me now0: Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosma nymphula) DSCN2088
Me now0: Mating Dragonfiles DSCN3930, Green-eyed hawker - Aeshna isoceles
Me now0: Ruddy Darter-Male-(Sympetrum sanguineum)Red Comet Darner landed on my hand! In the park, on the lake, over my hand! Yes, captured with 1 hand :D ! DSCN9981
Me now0: Ruddy Darter-female-(Sympetrum sanguineum)Landed Dragonfly very close to me DSCN0475
Me now0: Southern Migrant Hawker-Male(Aeshna affinis) 蜻蜓 Blue eyed dragonfly DSCN3503
Me now0: Mating blue dragonflies DSCN1285
Me now0: Mating dragonfiles closeup DSCN2072
Me now0: Four-spotted chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) Кафяво живениче Dragonfly just after out of pupa DSC_1059
Me now0: Small Dragonfly waiting the wind to ends DSC_0886
Me now0: Southern Migrant Hawker-Male(Aeshna affinis) DSC_1639
Me now0: DSC_0240 NO EDIT 1 of 2000 exposure time, ISO 250 sample on July full sun, Nikon D5300
Me now0: Ruddy Darter-Male-( Sympetrum sanguineum ) Red Dragonfly closeup DSC_1043
Me now0: Male Aeshna affinis -Southern Migrant Hawker -Blue dragonfly landed on reed DSC_1125
Me now0: ( Aeshna cyanea, male ) Manua Focus-AF divert focus to nearby background DSC_1285
Me now0: Small Pincertail dragonfly, Male Golden-ringed Dragonfly, Cordulegaster boltonii, Gomphidae - (Onychogomphus forcipatus) yellow-black dragonfly with green eyes baking on the sun DSC_0422
Me now0: DSC_0402 on my pants, just below the pocket!
Me now0: Dragonfly closeup, it was very patient DSC_1753
Me now0: Male Aeshna affinis -Southern Migrant Hawker -Blue dragonfly landed on reed DSC_1135
Me now0: DSC_0739 Dragonfly landed on plantain(PIantago) blossom
Me now0: DSC_1077
Me now0: DSC_0681