md2399photos: 01-D-Day Story Museum - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 02-Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 03-Info Board - Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 04-Info Board - Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 05-Model of Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 06-Ramp up to Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 07-Toilet on lower deck of Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 08-(Query) Sick Bowls on lower deck of Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 09-Sherman Tank on lower deck of Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 10-Info Board about Sherman Tank on lower deck of Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 11- Landing Craft LCT7074 being built - women rivetting - in Hawthorn Leslie factory in Tyneside - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 12- Landing Craft LCT7074 being built in Hawthorn Leslie factory in Tyneside - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 13- Crew of 12 Training on Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 14-Landing Practice at Yarmouth - Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 15-Barrage Balloons Protecting D-Day Invasion Craft - Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 16-Loading LCT7074 in Preparation for D-Day - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 17- 6 June 1944 D-Day - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 18-Soldiers in Landing Craft LCT7074 preparing to land on Gold Beach - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 19-Soldiers on lower deck of Landing Craft LCT7074 destined for Normandy - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 20-Soldiers in Landing Craft LCT7074 waiting to land on Gold Beach - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 22- Landing Craft Landing on Normandy's Gold Beach - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 23-Landing Craft in Normandy - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 24-This Tank Drowned whilst Landing in Normandy - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 25- Tank going into Normandy - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 26- Tanks in a village in Normandy - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 30-Bridge of Landing Craft LCT7074 - While I breathe, I hope - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 31-Aft Upper Deck - Officers Quarters - with Exhibition - Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 32-Info Board about Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 33-Info Board about Parts of the Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23
md2399photos: 35- Close-up of Info Board about Parts of the Landing Craft LCT7074 - D-Day Story - Portsmouth - 29Sep23