Mr. Stone I presume...:
Flyer/tickets for our summer party, both sides.
Mr. Stone I presume...:
first batch of unpainted papier mache mushrooms
Mr. Stone I presume...:
first batch of unpainted papier mache mushrooms
Mr. Stone I presume...:
First batch of papier mache mushrooms.
Mr. Stone I presume...:
music and tea cups
Mr. Stone I presume...:
miniature door wall construction
Mr. Stone I presume...:
house of cards
Mr. Stone I presume...:
Closer to the minature door
Mr. Stone I presume...:
first glimpse of the minitature door
Mr. Stone I presume...:
leaving through the miniature door
Mr. Stone I presume...:
miniature door construction
Mr. Stone I presume...:
neon flamingos 2
Mr. Stone I presume...:
papier mache mushroom in the bathroom
Mr. Stone I presume...:
rose garden
Mr. Stone I presume...:
another bathroom mushroom
Mr. Stone I presume...:
6am and it's time for some sleep........
Mr. Stone I presume...:
Neon flamingos