The Gang of 3:
1978 Oct 55018 York
The Gang of 3:
1983 23-9 46044 1A40 Kings X
The Gang of 3:
1983 12-16 46032 York 1005 Penz - York rlf
The Gang of 3:
1983 11-25 46037 at York 1949 York - BNS
The Gang of 3:
1983 10-28 45063 York 1949 to BNS
The Gang of 3:
Table 26 Down Services M-Sat 1978
The Gang of 3:
1976 Mar 7 24070-018 Donc Depot
The Gang of 3:
1980 55004 Kings Cross
The Gang of 3:
1980 3-5 55015 York loco
The Gang of 3:
1978 29-7 40168 Doncaster