jqcl: 1000 001-01-e-1380 Antidesma platyphyllum var. platyphyllum, occurrence 1, plant 1. This taxon’s petioles are short, thick, and curved. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, Mokulē`ia region.
jqcl: 1000 001-01-e-1397 Antidesma platyphyllum var. platyphyllum, occurrence 1, plant 1. This taxon’s petioles are short, thick, and curved. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, Mokulē`ia region.
jqcl: 1600 001-01-b-0381 Antidesma pulvinatum var. leiogonum, occurrence 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Honouliuli.
jqcl: 1600 001-01-b-0406 Antidesma pulvinatum var. leiogonum, occurrence 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Honouliuli.
jqcl: 1700 001-01-b-0446 Antidesma pulvinatum var. pulvinatum, occurrence 1, plant 1. Petioles are long, straight, and slender. O`ahu, southern Wai`anae Mts., Honouliuli.
jqcl: 1700 001-01-b-0458 Antidesma pulvinatum var. pulvinatum, occurrence 1, plant 1. Petioles are long, straight, and slender. O`ahu, southern Wai`anae Mts., Honouliuli.
jqcl: 1700 001-01-b-0492 Antidesma pulvinatum var. pulvinatum, occurrence 1, plant 1. Petioles are long, straight, and slender. O`ahu, southern Wai`anae Mts., Honouliuli.
jqcl: 1700 001-01-e-0463 Antidesma pulvinatum var. pulvinatum, occurrence 1, plant 1. A shot of the lower leaf surface. Where each lateral vein joins the midrib there is a tuft of hairs. O`ahu, southern Wai`anae Mts., Honouliuli.
jqcl: 1800 001-01-01-e-5040 Āliapa`akai area plant fossil. Antidesma pulvinatum var. pulvinatum (hame, mehame). An impression of the lower surface of the leaf. Leaf blade fragment 8.0 cm long.
jqcl: 1800 001-01-02-e-6462 Āliapa`akai area plant fossil. Antidesma pulvinatum var. pulvinatum (hame, mehame). An impression of the lower surface of the leaf. Petiole 2.1 cm long. Leaf blade fragment 8.9 cm long.