00500 001-01-b1-8955 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, with dull dark green upper leaf surfaces. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
00500 001-01-b2-8903 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, with dull dark green upper leaf surfaces (top). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (bottom). Growing together, with a plant of L. “phyllocalyx”.
00500 001-01-b2-8904 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, with dull dark green upper leaf surfaces (top). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (bottom). Growing together, with a plant of L. “phyllocalyx”.
00500 001-01-b2-8905 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, with dull dark green upper leaf surfaces (top). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (bottom). Growing together, with a plant of L. “phyllocalyx”.
00500 001-01-b3-8899 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, with dull dark green upper leaf surfaces (right). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (upper left). L. “phyllocalyx” (lower left). Growing together.
00500 001-01-b3-8900 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, with dull dark green upper leaf surfaces (right). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (upper left). L. “phyllocalyx” (lower left). Growing together.
00500 001-01-d3-8988 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, with dull dark green upper leaf surfaces (left). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (center). L. “phyllocalyx” (right). Growing together.
00500 001-01-e1-8923 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1. Lower leaf surfaces. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
00500 001-01-e2-8978 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1 (top). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (bottom). Lower leaf surfaces. Growing together, with a plant of L. “phyllocalyx”.
00500 001-01-e3-8985 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). L. “conferta” x “phyllocalyx”, or a taxon derived from this hybrid combination (middle). L. “phyllocalyx” (right). Lower leaf surfaces. Growing together.
00500 001-01-h-8917 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruits (mature). O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
00500 001-01-h-8940 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruits (mature). O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
00500 001-01-h-8945 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruits (mature). O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
00500 001-01-h-8946 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruits (mature). O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
00500 001-01-h-8958 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruits (mature). O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
00500 001-01-h-9007 Labordia 5, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruits (mature). O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
07400 002-02-i1-h-9877 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 2, inflorescence 1 (with small mature capsules). The large capsules are those of Labordia 5 (occurrence 1, plant 1); about 1.9 cm long.
07400 002-02-i1-h-9871 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 2, inflorescence 1 (with 3 mature capsules); plant 3, inflorescence 1 (2 mature capsules cut open). The large capsules are those of Labordia 5 (occurrence 1, plant 1); about 1.9 cm long.
07400 002-02-i1-h-9868 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 2, inflorescence 1 (with 3 mature capsules); plant 3, inflorescence 1 (2 mature capsules cut open). The large capsules are those of Labordia 5 (occurrence 1, plant 1); about 1.9 cm long.
07700 001-01-0328 Left of a pair - upper surface; right - lower. Labordia “jugorum”, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). L. 5, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). Lower leaf surfaces: L. “jugorum” - hairless; L. 5 - petiole and base of midrib hairy.