jqcl: 07400 001-01-b-9153 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-b-9155 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-b-9158 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (bottom). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (top). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-b-9161 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (bottom). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (top). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-d-9261 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-d-9266 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-d-9268 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-d-9275 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-d-9278 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-ea-9241 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left to right: leaves 2 and 4). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (leaves 1 and 3). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-ea-9244 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (bottom). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (top). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-ea-9246 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (bottom). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (top). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-ea-9254 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (bottom). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (top). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-ea-9255 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (bottom). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (top). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-ea-9257 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). The two taxa were growing together, along with their hybrids. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-eb-9199 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). Backlit leaves with the lower surfaces facing the camera. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-i-9174 Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). The cup-like structure at each young node formed by fused stipules eventually rips down its sides. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-i-9214b Labordia sessilis, occurrence 1, plant 1 (left). L. hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1 (right). The two large stipules at a given node are fused when young to form a cup-like structure. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-i-9220 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1. This species has two large stipules at each node that when young are connected to form a cup-like structure. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 001-01-i-9223 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 1, plant 1. This species has two large stipules at each node that when young are connected to form a cup-like structure. O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-a-9133 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1. A fruiting plant. This species’ mature capsules are miniscule (4-7 mm long) and are largely hidden in the pockets formed by the species’ large stipules. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-a-9136 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1. A fruiting plant. This species’ mature capsules are miniscule (4-7 mm long) and are largely hidden in the pockets formed by the species’ large stipules. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-a-9137 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1. A fruiting plant. This species’ mature capsules are miniscule (4-7 mm long) and are largely hidden in the pockets formed by the species’ large stipules. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-i1-b-9138 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1. A mature capsule 7 mm long is visible on inflorescence 1 (left). In front and in back of that capsule are hidden mature capsules only 4 mm long. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-i1-h-0045 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1, inflorescence 1. Top to bottom: mature capsules 4 mm, 7 mm, and 4 mm long. Leaves, stipules, and calyx lobes removed. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-i1-h-0061 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1, inflorescence 1. Top to bottom: mature capsules 4 mm, 7 mm, and 4 mm long. All three capsules bore seeds. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-i2-f-9496 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1, inflorescence 2. Two mature capsules within the cup formed by two joined stipules. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-i3-f-9504 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1, inflorescence 3. 3 mature capsules in water caught in the cup formed by the stipules (The capsule on the right is visible only through the cup’s wall.) O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-i4-f-9558 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1, inflorescence 4. Two mature capsules, only one of which is visible. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.
jqcl: 07400 002-01-i5-f-9569 Labordia hymenopoda, occurrence 2, plant 1, inflorescence 5. A single mature capsule. There are usually three flowers per female inflorescence, but sometimes not all three flowers set fruit. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts.