jqcl: 00700 001-01-b-8489 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-b-8492 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-e-8504 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-f-8567 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1. Inflorescence with flower buds. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-f-8574 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1. Inflorescence with flower buds. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-f-8592 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1. Inflorescence with flower buds. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-h1-8510 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruit 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-h1-8538 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruit 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-h1-8539 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruit 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-h2-8555 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruit 2. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.
jqcl: 00700 001-01-h2-8558 Melicope 6 x M. hiiakae, occurrence 1, plant 1, fruit 2. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward central Ko`olau Mountains.