jqcl: 05100 001-01-9010 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 1, plant 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face. Photographed by Matthew Keir.
jqcl: 05100 001-02-a-9076 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 1, plant 2. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face. Photographed by Matthew Keir.
jqcl: 05100 001-02-b-9073 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 1, plant 2. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face. Photographed by Matthew Keir.
jqcl: 05100 001-02-b-9082 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 1, plant 2. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face. Photographed by Matthew Keir.
jqcl: 05100 001-02-c-9079 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 1, plant 2. Hairs on the lower leaf surface. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face. Photographed by Matthew Keir.
jqcl: 05100 001-02-c-9080 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 1, plant 2. Hairs on the upper leaf surface. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face. Photographed by Matthew Keir.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-b-7159 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-b-7161 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-b-7174 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-b-7179 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-d-7145 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-d-7146 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-d-7151 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-d-7167 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-d-7170 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.
jqcl: 05100 002-01-e-7163 Cyanea acuminata form 2 (or possibly a taxon related to C. acuminata), occurrence 2, plant 1. Hairs longer, sparser, and less erect than in plants in occurrence 1. O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mts., windward face.