jqcl: 2900 001-99-9483 Peperomia lilifolia (dioecious), occurrence 1. Plant 2, female (left). Plant 3, male (right). Female fl. - anthers undeveloped; stigma penicillate. Male fl. - anthers developed; stigma smooth. O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Ka`ala.
jqcl: 2900 001-03-9483 Peperomia lilifolia (dioecious), occurrence 1, plant 3 (Male. A male P. lilifolia flower has fully developed anthers, and its stigma does not bear a tuft of hairs). O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Ka`ala.
jqcl: 2900 001-02-9470 Peperomia lilifolia (dioecious), occurrence 1, plant 2 (Female. A female P. lilifolia flower has undeveloped anthers, and its stigma bears a tuft of hairs). O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Ka`ala.
jqcl: 2900 001-05-5612 Peperomia lilifolia (dioecious), occurrence 1, plant 5 (Male. A male P. lilifolia flower has fully developed anthers, and its stigma does not bear a tuft of hairs). O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Ka`ala.
jqcl: 2900 001-04-5565 Peperomia lilifolia (dioecious), occurrence 1, plant 4 (Male. A male P. lilifolia flower has fully developed anthers, and its stigma does not bear a tuft of hairs). O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Ka`ala.